Owasso Chamber Annual Events
Annual Events offered and promoted by the Owasso Chamber of Commerce include the following:
Annual Awards Gala
The Chamber's NEW Annual Awards Gala will be held in January. This event is an opportunity to dress up and celebrate each other in our community. Many awards are given out to celebrate the accomplishments and people that made the year special. Our current Chamber Chairman will pass the gavel on to the incoming Chairman. This will be a night on the town you will not want to miss.
Monthly Luncheons
Typically held on the first Wednesday of each month, except for January & July. These luncheons feature a speaker to update and educate members on current business trends. August and December luncheons are special "State of Owasso" events featuring leaders from our schools and our city.
Annual Golf Tournament
This is a full day of golf with a morning AND an afternoon flight. There's food, prizes, and so much fun at this annual event held at the beautiful Bailey Ranch Golf Club.
Advocate Owasso
Legislative LuncheonPolitical updates from our Senators, Congressmen and other top political and corporate leaders. This series is designed to update business leaders on local, state, and national legislative issues and other important business matters. Watch the chamber calendar or subscribe to our email list to be sure you are receiving legislative updates.
Redbud Days
This event is Owasso's annual festival. It begins the first Thursday in May, kicking off with the Gathering on Main. The next two days will be filled with entertainment, business showcases, recreation, food, and fun! The festival closes that Saturday with a concert at Redbud Festival Park. There is an opportunity for businesses, citizens, visitors, and more to get involved in this fabulous festival. For more information or to be a part of the planning committee, please contact us at info@owassochamber.com.
Leadership Owasso
The Leadership program is designed to develop strong leaders in the Owasso area who are interested in expanding their knowledge in the areas of government, education, economic development and quality of life initiatives. Enrollment opens for the Class of 2023-2024 in June 2023. Each Class begins in August with a day and a half mandatory class retreat followed by full-day class sessions occurring once a month through May. June is the Class Graduation Dinner where current graduates and Leadership Owasso Alumni are invited to connect and celebrate. Every Leadership Owasso Class, beginning with the Class of 2023, will be responsible for coming up with a Class Project that contributes something back to the community. If you are interested in learning more about Leadership Owasso, please email Chelsea. Check out the Leadership Info Page.